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The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising has become an indispensable tool for sellers looking to boost their visibility and sales on the world's largest online marketplace. With the right strategy, Amazon PPC can significantly enhance your product's visibility, leading to higher sales and a better return on investment. In this blog, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of setting up and optimizing your Amazon PPC campaigns, peppered with excitement and love for our family-owned brand ethos.

Understanding Amazon PPC

What is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC is a digital advertising platform that allows sellers to display their products in prominent positions across Amazon's website. These ads operate on a pay-per-click model, meaning sellers only pay when a potential customer clicks on their ad. There are three main types of Amazon PPC ads: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display Ads.

Benefits of Amazon PPC for Sellers

By leveraging Amazon PPC, sellers can significantly increase the visibility of their products. This visibility is crucial in a crowded marketplace, leading to higher sales volumes and the ability to optimize Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS). Furthermore, Amazon PPC campaigns provide valuable data insights, allowing sellers to refine their marketing and product strategies continuously.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your First Amazon PPC Campaign

Setting Up Your Seller Central Account

First things first, you'll need an Amazon Seller Central account. This account is your command center for everything from listing products to managing PPC campaigns. Ensure your account is properly set up and verified to start advertising.

Choosing the Right Type of Amazon PPC Ad

Each type of Amazon PPC ad serves different purposes. Sponsored Products ads are great for promoting individual listings, Sponsored Brands help in promoting your brand and a selection of products, and Sponsored Display Ads target customers both on and off Amazon based on their interests and behaviors.

Keyword Research for Amazon PPC

Keyword research is the backbone of any successful Amazon PPC campaign. Identifying high-value keywords that potential customers use to find products like yours is crucial. Utilize tools like Amazon's Keyword Tool or third-party software to gather insights and build a robust keyword list.

Optimizing and Managing Your Amazon PPC Campaigns

Setting Your Budget and Bids

Determining your daily budget and how much you're willing to bid for clicks on your keywords is a balancing act. Start with a conservative budget, and adjust as you gather performance data. Remember, the goal is to maximize visibility while maintaining a healthy ACoS.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Campaigns

Amazon PPC is not a set-it-and-forget-it tool. Regular monitoring and adjustments are essential for success. Analyze your campaign performance data to identify what's working and what's not. Don't be afraid to test different keywords, ad placements, and bidding strategies.

Advanced Amazon PPC Strategies

Once you're comfortable with the basics, explore advanced strategies like using negative keywords to exclude irrelevant traffic, dayparting to target ads during specific hours, and dynamic bidding to adjust your bids in real-time based on conversion probability.


Setting up Amazon PPC ads may seem daunting at first, but with patience and continuous optimization, it can become a powerful tool in your e-commerce arsenal. Remember, the key to success with Amazon PPC lies in understanding your audience, selecting the right keywords, and continuously refining your approach. So dive in, experiment, and watch your Amazon sales soar!

Hire Blade Commerce for your Amazon PPC!

Plus, checkout our article on how to use Helium 10 to advance your marketing strategies on both Amazon AND Walmart.